
A sporadically updated log of what I'm doing, reading or exploring at different points of time.

Now pages are less transient than a Twitter feed but more fluid than my About page.


A sporadically updated log of what I'm doing, reading or exploring at different points of time. Now pages are less transient than Twitter but more fluid than my About page.

June 2024

I am back to writing for my newsletter, Kindred Spirits, after unapologetically taking a break to find my confidence and rediscover my conviction (I wrote a little bit about that here and here). It was significantly harder to take a break than it was to get back into writing, but I definitely unstoppered a deep sense of okayness and trust in where I was in my writing journey. To celebrate that, I decided to make things official with a new domain name:

I am two months into a new work opportunity that came as a result of Obvious being sold (read Rahul Gonsalves' notes about it). Safe to say, it's a little fish in a big ocean sort of situation. It's too early to comment on whether this was a successful move, but I'm confident that I'm doing my best.

My unconventional role at Obv came with the advantage of vantage. It revealed a lot about the inner workings of startups and tech that I haven't had a chance to write about… but I think I can finally remedy that and distil what I've learnt into working notes and theories on this website.

Excitedly, I've gotten back into reading everyday. I just tore through Dragon Republic, the second book in RF Kuang's Poppy Wars trilogy, and I'm going to dig into the third next. Also on my TBR for this month is The Janissary Tree by Jason Goodwin and Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill.

I got a new low bookshelf for my study, now that I no longer work from home. It feels a lot more like a writer's den now, which has always been what I earmarked this room for. I still can't believe it's been a year since my housewarming ceremony — everyday I'm grateful for the cocoon-like feeling I get when I enter my home.

I got published in Yummy Colours' Concept of the Year for 2024, It's So Hard To Be A F*cking Squirrel These Days. This was my first time participating in a creative project of this scale and designing an activity capable of grounding people in the present. The final activity book is both an incredible collection of multidisciplinary inspiration and a collective experience unlike any other. Super grateful to be a part of it.

June 2024

I am back to writing for my newsletter, Kindred Spirits, after unapologetically taking a break to find my confidence and rediscover my conviction (I wrote a little about that here). It was significantly harder to take a break than it was to get back into writing, but I definitely unstoppered a deep sense of okayness and trust in where I was in my writing journey. To celebrate that, I decided to make things official with a new domain name:

I am two months into a new work opportunity that I can't talk about in public just yet, but safe to say it's a little fish in a big ocean sort of situation. It's too early to comment on whether this was a successful move, but I'm confident that I'm doing my best to actively lead and learn.

Excitedly, I've gotten back into reading everyday. I just tore through Dragon Republic, the second book in RF Kuang's Poppy Wars trilogy, and I'm going to dig into the third next. Also on my TBR for this month is The Janissary Tree by Jason Goodwin and Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill.

I got a new low bookshelf for my study, now that I no longer work from home. It feels a lot more like a writer's den now, which has always been what I earmarked this room for. I still can't believe it's been a year since my housewarming ceremony — everyday I'm grateful for the cocoon-like feeling I get when I enter my home.

I got published in Yummy Colours' Concept of the Year for 2024, It's So Hard To Be A F*cking Squirrel These Days. This was my first time participating in a creative project of this scale and designing an activity capable of grounding people in the present. The final activity book is both an incredible collection of multidisciplinary inspiration and a collective experience unlike any other. Super grateful to be a part of it.